Sunday, October 30, 2011

Passionate for a Cure!

One out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in here lifetime.
My Aunt Jil was one of those women, who bravely fought breast cancer twice and lost her battle on 8-8-08.
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Pictured above in green, in the center...she was truly the center of our lives. Our family goes on, but it's just not quite the same.
Early 2008, when I realized she didn't have much time left, I decided to walk in the San Diego Three Day for the Cure. A very good friend joined me and my life was changed forever. It was such a moving experience. Months of training fundraising were well worth the effort.

In 2009, we founded "Team Jil" in my Aunt's honor. Along with a group of girlfriends, we first walked the Race for the Cure in green--Aunt Jil's signature color.

Walking as a means of raising money and awareness of breast cancer became my passion.

Team Jil also conquered the Three Day in 2009 .

2010 had it's challenges, personally, so I opted to go out to the course and cheer. I can't say it was ALL about the walkers...I got a little crazy but it made for a good time for all!

Not a week goes by that I don't think of or miss my Aunt...and green always reminds me of her.She was tough. She was strong. She was brave. She earned her Ph.D when working full time and taking classes at night...first college, then master's, then post doctoral work. She was the picture of "tenacity."

Team Jil will reunited and walk at the Race for the Cure on 11/6/11. We are, of course, going green :0)

As I mentioned before, my aunt fought breast cancer twice. It was her being proactive about her health that led to the discovery of breast cancer the first time. She had a lump biopsied and even though it came back as benign, she insisted that it be removed. It was then that they found the cancer cells that the biopsy needle had missed. 
In 2007, I had a small bump on my left breast removed that the doctor insisted was just a cyst. It was in fact, a benign tumor. It was random that it developed in my breast but it reminded me of the lesson that my aunt lived. Know your body. Protect your breasts by checking them regularly. Insist when you know you know better than your doctor. And use your life to make a difference in those you love. 


Monday, September 19, 2011

Knitting for the Cure!

My LYS (local yarn store), Yarning for You, had a Knit for the Cure event! Those of you who know me KNOW how passionate I am about the Komen for the Cure Foundation. The 3 day is only 9 weeks away, I really need to get serious about my training. Eeks! But was nice to put the walking shoes away and get down to some serious knitting...

We gathered together to knit items to donate for sale at the 5K and the 3 Day. We got 15% anything purchased that day and the emphasis was buying yarn to make a project to donate. It was hard but I made myself stick with what I brought. Oh, how easy it is to covet!

I love this store! The turn out was great, there were fun give aways and lots of laughter...and knitting!

I love to watch hands as they knit...and I loved seeing all of the creations that were in the process of being made.

My contribution was the hat on the right. :0) I hope to knit more by the 11/1/11 deadline but I also know that I HAVE to get into serious training mode here! A little less knitting, a little more walking. Oh, and I've still got some funds to raise for my 3 day walk...if you love pink and feel the urge, feel free to donate at the link below:

I walk in memory of my Great Aunt Ruth Marie. I walk in memory of my Aunt Jil. I walk so that in the future, my nieces do not have to walk for me.