Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is it!!!

I set the alarm for 4:30 this morning. I wanted to get ready for the day and get my cats to my parent's house before work. (I gave myself some extra time, just in case!) The cats are staying at "Grandma and Grandpa's" for the weekend. My dad pretends he doesn't like them, but he already put out the toys we forgot to take home on our last visit and will over feed Bee the whole time they are there.

The first thing I thought of when the alarm went off was the mornings I got up at 3 AM to walk 10 miles before work. I am proud of myself for doing that! All the hard work and training is going to pay off. Even if things go differently than I plan (i.e. take the van), I know that it won't be for a lack of training! My mom and I are leaving the house at 5:00 tomorrow to get to the Del Mar Racetrack/Fairgrounds. I'll spend the night there, just so I don't have to wake up until 4:00...eek! And, off we'll go. Less than 24 hours from now, I will be apart of Opening Ceremonies for the Susan G Komen 2008 San Diego 3 Day. I can't believe that it's finally here!

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