I still can't believe that my aunt is already gone. I know that is a part of how the mind deals with grief and tragedy. Denies it for a while. It doesn't make it an easier knowing that is what my mind is doing. Reality is sinking in, though I'm sure it will take some time to accept what has happened. I read on a blog of a previous walker that cancer survivors line the streets and cheer for us as we walk in the "3 Day", to say "thank you." When I read that, I started crying. I thought, "oh I won't be able to handle that." But maybe by November, I will be able to. I'll probably go hug them all. I am happy, so happy, that we're making some progress in the fight against breast cancer. They are the living proof of that. We just haven't won the war...yet. Someday we will. So, I walk.
Laura and I started this blog with the intent of keeping you informed and entertained. The past couple of blogs have been a big change from the attitude we have striven to maintain. Losing someone to breast cancer is a sad reality of this fight. Smiles and laughter are a little harder to come by these days for me. But thanks for reading and "walking" with us through this journey. And for your love, support and understanding.

Top: Auntie Jil and Baby JennyMother's Day 1975
Bottom: Auntie Jil, Jenny, Rachel and Earnie
Christmas Day 1975
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