Monday, October 27, 2008

Update on my feet...

It's hard to be certain, since the variables concerning my feet weren't the same (I walked less miles on Saturday, I only walked Saturday and not Sunday) but I do think that the tape worked overall. Even before the weekend's walking began, I felt like the swelling went down from the previous weekend's walks. It could have just been a time factor, that the swelling would have finally gone down anyway, but my recovery was much better on Saturday than it had been after the past couple of walks. I'm certainly willing to tape up my feet and legs again! I got some attention, mostly people worried about an injury or curious to know if it had to do with my 3 day walk. The tape lasted for five days, showers, ice baths and all! So I might be able to just tape it once before the three day and not have to worry about taping it again during the walk. I'll probably bring some extra tape with me...just in case!

It's less than four weeks away...can you believe it???


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