Saturday, July 10, 2010

20 Weeks...and Frustrated

I'd been planning on going to the Bekki walk this morning. 6 miles and a shoe clinic with San Diego's own Dr. McDreamy. I actually NEED new walking shoes (though I'm thinking about going with the sandals). And while I'm doing everything that I need to be doing, things aren't quite right with my body yet. I talked to my sweet Nurse Practitioner Friday afternoon. A test came back normal and while it's good news, it doesn't explain why my body has been going haywire. She then asked me to take it easy again this weekend.

I'm not very good about following those kind of directions. However, I did flash back to the unfortunate time a few years ago when I insisted to my friends one week post op from sinus surgery that I was just fine to stand in the choir during third service. I made it through half of a song and had to get of the stage before I passed out. My friends had told me that I wasn't looking all that well and after all was said and done, I promised that I would listen to people when they were telling me to take care of myself.

So I stayed home this morning. Actually, I really do need shoes and thought about driving down for the clinic but miracles of all miracles, I actually slept in for once. And when my body started going a little nuts again this morning, I realized I'd done the right thing but not going on the walk.

Sigh. It looks like I'll probably be switching to the 16 week training program...

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