My alarm was set for 2:45 this morning. 2:45!!! In time to get up, get dressed, get breakfast, feed the cats, deal with my feet (i.e. put my anti-blister measures on and then my socks and shoes), grab my prepacked gym bag and work clothes, drive to the gym closest to work, walk 10 miles, get ready for work, and grab a breakfast burrito to go...and make it to work on time. But it was not meant to be.
I did get up at 2:45...well, 2:50 or so. Got out the door at 3:35. Got to the gym around 4:00 and got on a treadmill by about 4:05. With a brisk pace and a few breaks for the bathroom and a sock change, I was good to go. But within the first few miles, I started feeling some discomfort in my left foot. In an area that was really sore after the last walk. I was two miles into a 30 mile weekend. Time to slow down and lower the incline to preserve my walking ability for the rest of the weekend. I found it hard to keep going on the treadmill. I've done 10 miles on a treadmill, several times since I started training. But I've adjusted to walking outside, with people. I was getting a little depressed at how slow my heart rate was and how few calories I was burning. I reminded myself that I had the week days to work out. This was a training walk.
I had learned over the weekend that I just wasn't drinking enough. I was starting to get small cramps from dehydration. But the more you drink, the more you have to stop. By mile six, I figured it was time to change socks and get some padding on the back of my heels. I found that my blister preventing bandaging just wasn't going to work and I thought I could feel a pre-blister irritation spot on one of my toes. By the time I got to mile 7.5, the spinning class music was blaring and the instructor was at her screaming. I've walked there during her class. She was extra loud today. There's a reason I didn't join the military. A few, actually, but one of them had to do with the fact that for me, being screamed at does the opposite of motivate me. I made an unusual move. I stopped. I quit at 8 miles. Got off the treadmill, stretched, showered and left.
The rest of the world is cheering me on, awed and amazed that I'd get up at 2:45 AM to work out. And I'm upset that I stopped at mile 8. Go figure! I guess I just really wanted all of the walking to be done before work, so that after work, I could just relax and gear up the weekend. And heck, I'd have slept for another half hour before getting up if I'd known I was only going to do 8 miles!
But when all is said and done, I just have to regroup, refocus, and move on. It could very well be like this on the 3 Day. Unmet expectations, disappointments, weird pain, frustrating setbacks. I might even have to, for some unexplainable reason, have to take the sweeper van for one of the legs of the walks. (I didn't start training back in April just to get on a sweeper van, if you know what I mean!) But I did do eight miles today. I can finish up with a walking video at home tonight or go home, go to bed and get up a half hour early and make up the miles then. I did a pretty good job, and I even went ahead and got the breakfast burrito this morning. Why not?! It was pretty yummy, I must say! Got into work early. Got to blog, and sit and relax. The morning didn't go as planned, but it still went pretty well. I got UP, for goodness, made it to the gym and walked towards finding a cure for breast cancer. Actually, it's not too bad of a start to the day, at all!
Regrouping for a cure...Jenn