Laura and I can't tell you HOW encouraging it is for people to cheer us on. Walking with bigger groups of people where everyone is wearing something pink attracts attention. I love how people drive by and honk their horns...some of them just hold it while they pass the entire group. One lady just drove up and down this one street on Saturday, honking and waving, blaring her music. It was great. I don't know what the people in the neighborhood thought about it, but it was just what the walkers needed!
On Sunday, Laura and I went walking with our regular group. I think that the leader had to cut short her walk (she has bad back problems), so she went to the last quarter to half mile of the route and started leaving us funny messages in chalk. It was amazing how much it perked us up!
The 3 Day sets up cheering stations along the route and emails the locations of them about two weeks before the 3 Day. We are recruiting YOU to come out and cheer us on! Not only the two of us, but all of the walkers. Mark November 21-23 on your calendars. We expect to see you out there, cheering us on!
I will be there at least one of the days! :)
You know it!
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