I learned a lot of really good information this weekend. One thing that sticks out in my mind was how our long break went on Saturday's walk. We had to wait for the trolley and then take about a 15 minute trolley ride to get close to our cars. The break came after about 12.5 miles of walking. I hadn't calculated the trolley stop location correctly, and I was really dreading the last segment of our walk back to the cars. We were both pretty pooped out.

I've been afraid that if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to get back up again. But now that we are past 10 miles, the breaks actually come in handy. We'll have to stop for lunch on the 3 day. That is what our walking leader wanted to simulate. Breaking up the walk with a significant stop for "lunch." And in our case, the break was just what we needed! Laura got a bagel, we both did some stretching. We got on the trolley, and even though there was some soreness and stiffness once we got off, the walk back to the cars was not bad at all. I felt renewed, like I could have kept walking if I needed to. I was glad that I didn't have to walk long, though. The stop was much closer to our cars than I thought!
Okay, my beauty rest awaits. We'll let you know how the Expo goes...and how we feel after 30 miles!
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