Friday, June 26, 2009
Fuddruckers!! See you there!
Fuddruckers is graciously allowing us to host a fundraiser at their Mira Mesa location on Thursday, July 16th. For anyone who brings our flier or mentions us to their server when they order between the hours of 11am and 8pm, Fudds will donate between 10-20% of the sales from those orders! The more money they make from us, the more that the donate to us. Kim and I EACH need to raise $2300...that's a lot of burgers, fries, onion rings and shakes! Please bring your appetites and all of your friends! Pass the word. I can email you a copy of the flier, just leave me a comment on this blog. See you soon!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It's Not a Rumor--150 Days to Go!
I was looking at my page on the Komen site and it said that the walk is 150 days! Really?! I know that's about five months, but it will FLY by! I'm walking with the training group about once a week. I always try to go Saturdays since the week nights are hard. But it's nice to walk with other people and get to know members of the training team so I joined them last night. They are a really nice group of (mostly!) women. Afterwards, a small group of us ate at Denny's and chatted for a while. Of course, since it is mostly women, there's always a little "scoop" on something going on with someone or a favorite story of "stuff" from last year. I'm just glad that none of it is about me :0) LOL. It's not bad, you just know how women can talk...but you have the real news, 150 days to go! Kim is doing amazing work on the fundraising ideas up in Sacramento while she nurses a sore ankle. Our Fuddruckers fundraiser is less than a month away...stay tuned for the details!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Training Season is Here!

Training season for 2009 has started! "Boob Camp Bekki" got us all out a few weekends ago for a quick walk around Santee Lakes.

It was good to get out and get walking. It was kind of fun to be the "old pro" and answer the newbies' questions but mostly, it was good to be around the wonderful gals who'd welcomed me in a newbie last year and exchange 3 day stories! I'm going on another training walk tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed!

Friday, June 12, 2009
The Three Little Piggies Conquer the Mud Run!

My 2008 WP (walking partner), Laura, and our friend Mylinh, joined me in the Mudrun my sister's church hosts every year. I'd done it once before and was looking forward to tackling the course once again. There are mud pits EVERYWHERE and did I mention the HUGE hill that is probably as steep as Juan Street? I'd already signed up for the mud run when I had hand surgery, and the PA wasn't sure I should attempt the course. I decided to go for it anyway, and wore a glove over my incision to help keep the mud out.

I do believe that the yellow glove created a fashion statement all of it's own. In fact, I very well may make a whole outfit around yellow gloves for the next mud run! It was a blast but it is a very dirty event! You pretty much just plan to trash your clothes and your shoes afterward, so if you join me next time, just make sure you are wearing your oldest workout clothes!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Still Walking!

It's been over three months since I've blogged on this site and boy, has life been crazy! My biggest obstacle in keeping up on things was an unexpected hand surgery I needed back in March. For months I'd had a very small bump on my hand and all of a sudden one Saturday morning, it started swelling and became very red. I went into the urgent care clinic on Monday after work and was referred to an orthopedic hand surgeon, who fit me in for a Wednesday morning appointment. He in turn felt that it would require surgery, as it was getting bigger even as I was on antibiotics, and would most likely get worse before it got better. He made room for me in his surgery schedule for the VERY NEXT DAY! And five days after it started swelling and showing signs of infection, I was wheeled into the operating room and put under general anesthesia.
When the doctor opened up the abscess, all he found was...pus. He was expecting to find a splinter or some kind of foreign matter. He had the pathologist run extra blood tests, but all came back "normal." There wasn't any explanation for what caused the infection...until a few weeks later when two small plant horns worked their way out of the healing, 3/4" incision. Talk about STRANGE! He had warned me that he may have missed something after the surgery. And the thorns had most likely worked themselves down fairly deep. He and I were both relieved to finally find out what caused the problem in the first place.
The surgeon did a fabulous job. I still have some scar tissue at the incision site which means don't have 100% range of motion back but I'm happy with all that he did. My training took a back seat for several weeks but I'm still pretty comfortable with a six mile walk.
I'll catch you up on a few more things that have been happening as I now actively train for the 2009 Susan G. Komen Three Day. Stay tuned for more blogs to come in the next few days!
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