I got some new gear this weekend! My feet have been hurting more than they should be and I figured it was because I really needed some new shoes. They run about $100 a pair, yikes! It was time to head over SD Running Institute on Friday. Woohoo, I even got to 'see' Dr. Runco! With much happiness, I found out that they still carry both pairs that I found last summer. Yes! I don't have to try them out, waiting to see how many blisters I sprout! I will get the second pair next month.
The three day recommends that we have two pairs of shoes and suggests that we buy different brands/makes/models. The idea for two is that the shoe takes a beating after a long walk. Giving it time to recover by not walking in it the next day extended the life of the shoe. Also, another type of shoe is going to work your foot slightly differently, hopefully giving the over-worked parts of your feet a little break. I've never done it any differently, but it works for me. I find that I need an insert and I'm very picky about that. It's a very large men's insert cut down. It gives a me a little more support and it kind of...curves around the inside of the heel of my foot where I get blisters the most and I don't seem to blister as badly there. I found a set of them on clearance at SDRI--$10!! That is my kind of deal...especially because I'm going to need to get more of my $7 a pair socks coming up fairly soon.
And it was time to replace my "non-fanny" pack. I saw some at Target...I picked the one I liked the best and will give it a try. It is not as wide as my last pack which will make it harder to reach back to grab the bottles so we'll see what I think after this week's training walks. Happy walking!
1 comment:
Shoe boxes bring me joy.
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