So after months of discussion, we are proud to officially announce that we will be selling Team Jil shirts. They will be offered in green (in a unisex, regular t-shirt style) and white (available in ladies sizes only with a scoop neck) with pink lettering. The front will be simple. A breast cancer ribbon and our team name. On the back, we are selling advertising space for corporate sponsors. Team Jil T-shirts will sell for $20 a shirt.

I can't tell you what it meant to see the same, faithful cheerleaders out, every day, time after time, cheering us on. The "TAG team", "Hakuna Ma Tata's" (with their 'free hugs' and "Body By Three Day" girls were special stand outs. I know that Team Jil will go along way in encouraging weary walkers with their eye catching shirts and crazy cheers. I can't wait to see Team Jil out there in our matching team shirts!

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