Week 24 (and counting!) ended with the official Komen kick off walk! Ahhh, it was in Encinitas! It was nice to have it near my part of the 'hood! I joined with some of Marcia's teammates at the New Balance store off of the Birmingham exit (just a mile or two from where Aunt Jil's condo was). New Balance did a great job with a shoe and clothing presentation. The presenter was informative but also pretty funny. I loved it when she talked about the process of picking shoes. "You can't just go into the store and say, that is the cutest shoe! I'm so going to wear it on the 3 day!" SO TRUE! I don't even want to think about finding new shoes to deal with my blister issue. I'm actually thinking about getting a pair of walking sandals! I've got to do something; what worked year 1 did NOT work year 2. I didn't want to admit it but I actually got a little blister on Bekki's walk...I hadn't slicked the toes up with body glide and it got hot out there the last half mile. Sweaty toes lead to blisters. :0(
The walk was a quick 3 miles along the coast. It was overcast but beautiful! I'd been more careful with my body glide, so no blisters!
Channel 8 is one of the sponsers for the 3 day. The channel 8 weatherman was there...for years, he's done his weather reports for the 3 day weekend down at the 3 day tent city while his co-worker, Barbara Lee, walked with the troops. This year, he's walking with us, too! Brave man He even showed up in pink...though Marcia speculated that perhaps he'd borrowed his wife's hoodie!
I am a little sad that you can't judge a walking shoe by it's cover...they had some pretty amazing shoes there!
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