Saturday, November 20, 2010

1 Week! Making Plans! 11/15-18

I was never successful in doing any training on the second week, so don't be surprised if you are so busy packing and preparing that your workouts go by the wayside. Heck, conserve energy, you are going to need it!

My favorite "walk" the last week was when my training group would get together in the parking lot of Fuddruckers or Pat & Oscars and "walk" into the restaurant together. Good times, good memories. Makes me excited to think of training with a group again next year. I missed my boob crew!

This is it! All of the training and fundraising has gotten you to this time, to this week. You are going to experience a lifetime of excitement, emotion, tears, joy and laughter this weekend. Good luck and God bless!

Countdown: 1 Week

Your Training Schedule for This Week:
Monday Rest
Tuesday 5 miles Easy walking
Wednesday 30 minutes Moderate cross-training
Thursday Rest
Friday 20.5 miles Day 1
Saturday 19.5 miles Day 2
Sunday 16.7 miles Day 3

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